Harry – Heine in Holland/

De memoires van Heinrich Heine

€38,- incl. verzendkosten

Publication in two volumes
Volume 1: The «memoires» of Heinrich Heine, translated for the first time in Dutch by Ria van Hengel, including an audio-book recorded by Arnon Grunberg.
Volume 2: Songs based in Heinrich Heine’s poems brought into music by Dutch composers, including a music CD by baritone Marc Pantus and pianist Rudolf Jansen.
Two books of 80 pages each, two audio-book disks, one music disc, one custom designed folder-box.

Publisher & Copyright:
© 2013 Stichting i piccoli holandesi, Amsterdam
ISBN: 978-90-8215 12 -0-6

Ontwerp: Hugo Herrera Tobón